Friday, December 13, 2024

On opting for optometry



She said—

as we sipped wine—

she often felt

that glasses

allowed me

to see clearly

what I desired,

even if not why.

Although the truth

probably is, 

that near the end, 

I didn’t get exactly 

what I desired

with ease,

but what I desired

got me uneasy. 

Almost as if 

you misplace your glasses

and search for them

only to find a different

older pair that still work

kind of. 

The Es of desire—

one is a number,

the other a letter

on a compass—

may not point

in the same direction,

but old glasses

can still be filled

with new light.

Isn’t Double vision

still a type of vision—

even if split

by the difference

between her palette

and my palate—

I now ask

no one

and everyone

in particular

or at least 

desire to ask,

tho desire

is a roomy concept?

I have heard sufis 

—who mostly

sip wine

from glasses—


the one may be singular,

because the others are plural,

while quantum physicists

simply state 

that one is plural. 

The ease

I mean,

the glasses—

are no longer

on the table

it seems.

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