Saturday, May 25, 2024

On HyperQBism

 I think of my poetics as hyperQBist and understand HyperQBism as a poetics of participatory realism engaging in improvisation as a tesseract of faith—which may imply a superposition of cacophony & apophany or from another angle an entanglement of epiphany & apophany.

Of course any poetics of superposition is a poetics of rein/reign/rain which aims to splice the eye/aye/I.

The colorpuntal is the primary hyperform I employ to achieve a superposition of forms in any given poem. 

This implies hyperQBism as the poetics of the colorpuntal. 

HyperQBism as a poetics of superposition can also be seen as a poet taking license to define a hypercube as a superposition of cubes. Anyway, here’s a new poem. 

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