This poem ties most of the ideas in my book together and will hopefully be in a 2nd edition.
I’ve heard she sang beyond the genius
of the sea and was maker of a song,
but have I also failed to deal with why
Apophenia’s constant cry of nothing
less than the tonic of being colored
by coral at twilight or of bathing while
waiting for a moon to cross the Jordan
as Seminole sounds now found in lyrics
of Ida Goodson tunes could form to some
a mere random timbre rising in swells
between the endless blues of sea and sky
most acute in shadows of dunes or shells
as if the neon i of enlighten
was the bluest eye of someone else?
1 eku di sinu na aguas di mar ondulason da lua
2 day moon the curve of her cowrie shell tattoo
3 conch to ear even at the sea longing for the sea